Pippa’s Birth Day
25 May 2019, Pippa was born at 9:10am… but that is not where this story starts.
(WARNING: There are very confronting images in this blog. Please do not continue reading unless you are comfortable with nudity and images of birth.)
This experience has been so overwhelmingly emotional for me that I feel like I need to get it out! I need to share it…How can I witness something so incredible and keep it to myself? And, because this is my blog, I can ask the rhetorical question of ‘How can you NOT believe in a creator?’… the whole thing, conception, pregnancy, birth… it’s not by chance…I cannot for one second believe that is all just chance. It’s intricate, detailed, planned, and so so so totally amazing. It stops you in your tracks and for me, overwhelms me to the point of tears, especially this… witnessing Pippa’s birth.
At 41 weeks into pregnancy, Jess and I had been texting back and forth deciding whether or not it was ‘go time’.
Then, at 11:30pm I hit the road to Josh and Jess’ home where I found Jess, in Labour. Jess had a beautiful birth plan and her decision to birth unassisted was not an uneducated one. She was aware of the risks and had a plan. She was surrounded by people that loved her and would make good decisions if required.
Once I had settled in, and met Jess’s beautiful sister Sarah. I started snapping Jess as she rode the waves of each contraction. She was in complete control and just owned her space, it was stunning.
I remember from my own experience, how helpful warm water and pressure on my back was. Josh was right there, for every contraction. The bath and the shower was where Jess spent alot of her labour. It was such a beautiful space to enter. With praise music playing gently in the background, beautiful oil scents burning…It was calm, God was right there with us, I just knew it.
There was a kind of holiness going on. Like, this is how it is supposed to be or something. It was such an interesting contrast to my own experiences and there was healing in that. This is what a woman’s body is made for! We CAN do this. Jess was such an amazing example of this. She was breathing through each contraction and as they got closer together and more intense, so did her focus.
What is it about a birthing woman that just cries strength and beauty… Jess birthed completely naked and it wasn’t rude, or crude. It was truly beautiful. Something feels changed in me. Like the rawness of it all has just touched me, I don’t even really know how…
This woman encapsulates faith like nothing else…I’m so in awe of her trust, her faith, that God would carry her through such a time as this. Was she making a foolish decision to free birth? Well, that is a matter of opinion, all I know is this… Jess had researched and knew what she was doing, she was ready for anything and prepared for the worst, her wisdom was obvious. She knew her decision was ‘against the grain’, but to her, the benefits were worth it! She was able to bring her baby girl into the world with a calmness, a peace that truly surpasses understanding, it was a beautiful experience for her and her loved ones and for me as their photographer! For me, someone who has not (and probably won’t) have an opportunity to birth like this, I’m just so overwhelmed with total amazement… It was an absolute ‘God thing’…
This was Jess’ second baby, so little Archie was there (slept through most of it!). When Jess birthed little Pippa, I distinctly remember Archie saying ‘I’m a big brother!…’I have a widdle sister!’ That pulled on my heart strings all over again! Even typing that gave me goosebumps.
So that is my story of Pippa’s BIRTH day. Pippa Grace Counsel born 25 May 2019 at 9:10am weighing 3.55kgs and 50cm long… Sweet Pippa, may you dance into the Father’s arms all your beautiful years.